Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Well.  22 years old is a lot different than 21 years old.  I will explain this thought by describing my past weekend.

As many of us all know, the past weekend was the big PC vs. The Clemson Bullies game.  Thus, the 15 best friends that anyone could have, and I, decided to create a reunion weekend out of it.  The weekend began on Friday night with a trip back to Clinton and to my beloved Sigma Nu House for 70's party.

Ways to know you're not 21 anymore #1:
After dancing to my favorite song, Fantasy by Ludacris, and pulling out moves that have been retired since May 2010, I thought my back had detached from my body.  The pain that I felt in not only my back but more like my entire body could only be compared to what I think child birth may eventually feel like.  After a serious drop it like it's hot, my body was completely done.  The countless struts across the dance floor and the number of running man moves that occurred were just too much.

After waking up and finally retrieving some MUCH need BoJo, we made our way to the land of the Bullies.  (I say this because there was a Tiger fan who walked by and said "ALRIGHT HOW BOUT THEM TIGERS! 57-21!"  We responded by saying "WE SCORED 21 POINTS?!?! ALRIGHT!!")  We enjoyed a ballin tailgate courtesy of Jeremy Nates, and then set off to scout out cheap tickets.  I mean, it's Clemson vs. PC.  There will be TONS of people giving away tickets right?  WRONG.  After Smurch, Laurie, and I walked approximately 14 miles around the Clemson campus in search for a ticket, I realized we had to get serious.  Thus, I resorted to something I never thought I would do.  I took out a legal pad, a sharpy, and wrote NEED 3 TICKETS.....I then proceeded to walk around with the sign held above my head and three fingers stuck in the air.  Who was I?  Ughh.  Well, anyways.  We scrounged up 4 tickets from a very sketchy man with dreadlocks and a walky talky.  We traveled another 37 miles to get to Gate 20 and sat in the upper deck....aka......hell.

Ways to know you're not 21 anymore #2:
Normally, as a 21 year old in an excitingly huge stadium like Clemson with 80,000 fans screaming and cheering around me, adrenaline pumping, and football in the air, I would have thrived and stayed until the very end--cheering on our team even if our opponents were playing their 7th string players.  However, after the first quarter, I was dunzo.  I had officially turned into my grandmother.  I was using a football shaped fan.  I was incredibly hot.  I refused to stand up.  And my feet were swollen.  I officially quit.

After the exhausting and hellish game, the 15 best friends that anyone could have and I regained our composure and some of our dignity, and traveled back to Greenville to celebrate one last night together.  We ate pizza and decided to go out on the town like old times!  We've still got it right? WRONG!

Ways to know you're not 21 anymore #3:
It's 2:00 AM.......we've all returned to Sallie Wham and Erin's house.  An average night at Presbyterian College would conclude at around 4:30 AM (after a McDonald's run and sufficiently renegading the boys of 3F's freezer, of course).  However, I look around and everyone is sitting around the room, heads bobbling.  And not in a way that suggests there's a funky beat playing, but rather bobbling because everyone was falling asleep.  We couldn't hack it.  It was too much.

So after sleeping on a kitchen floor (because there was LITERALLY no space left to sleep anywhere in the house), I headed back to life in the real world.   I'm still poor (donations are welcome and appreciated).  My feet still hurt every day after coming home from work.  And I'm still living the life of a starving artist. I'm definitely not 21 anymore.  Not even close to it.  BUT, at least I got to at least TRY to take a trip back in time to those college years this weekend.  And for now, at least I'm living like this lady.

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