Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Sympathy Pains?

My feet ache.  My back hurts.  I've had terrible cravings.  And I've had severe mood swings.
You may think that these are sympathy pains in regards to my 12 weeks preggo sister.  But alas, all of these symptoms can only mean one thing:  I've officially begun my job.
I started work at a local family owed music store that so graciously hired me....maybe they saw the tears in my eyes as I begged for a job so I could pay rent....maybe not.  And because I'm such a lucky girl, I started on, and I quote, "the daggum busiest day of the year."  I think I may have seen every middle schooler in the Charlotte-Mecklenberg county area.  And as I sat and explained to youngsters about how to empty their spit out of an instrument, or listened to mothers confiding to me that their son or daughter "doesn't really know a thing about music and I'm not even sure that they'll play this damn thing...but I guess this is just one of their little tangents", it took me back to my sweet and awkward middle school band days.  Ohhhhhh the time of innocence.  I was growing out of my bowl cut and was moving into the Bon Jovi\brown football helmet days.  You know those days.  The days when wearing the butterfly clips with a hint of sparkle and a LOT of purple were really cool.  The days when you just started to discover make up (in my case, I would steal Kelley's white eyeshadow and lock myself in the bathroom, put on about a pound of makeup, and I would leave the bathroom and tell myself that my parents didn't notice the white icing-like product on my eyelids).  The days when Lance Bass covered my walls (I'm still bitter about that whole situation...by the way).
Oh how times have changed.  I went from a young band superstar into a grown up band superstar.  And my hair is sort of still in football helmet mode........and God knows I still love white eyeshadow.....and still think of Lance Bass often.  But whatever.  I'm a big girl now.  The point is, at least I get to work with little musical fledglings that may aspire to be as successful as I am now.  It's good to know that I'm such an inspiration to them.
But overall, I am glad and proud that I survived my first day.  I have never been so excited to come home and see Alex Trebek and Pat Sajack.  I'd also like to thank the makers of Diet Dr. Pepper for saving my life and making my life bearable.  That's all.


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