Tuesday, August 24, 2010

On, On, CharTown.

Welcome to our blog! We cannot believe that we have begun writing a blog...which should be noted as to how desperate we are currently in our life situations. This blog in no way is meant to gain pity, or depress anyone. We're just trying to share the humor that is our daily (unemployed) lives. We are in our second week in Charlotte a.k.a CharTown. We (Patty, Taylor, and Schaeffer) graduated from college together and decided that Charlotte was our next adventure. Charlotte is the banking capital of the south and a huge city! So logistically we thought of course there would be jobs for us right? Then we realized...not so much.

Out of the three of us, Patty does have a "big girl" job. Although we are trying to be happy for her it's  difficult when we are on the dragonfly couch watching the latest breaking news on E! Channel (Lindsay Lohan just got released from rehab...sister is just going to go back to the smack soon). Self loathing has begun. We are happy to report that we have kept up with our personal hygiene. So while Patty gets up and goes off to work we begin the great job search. On our Computers. Mostly on moster.com. Not that we haven't tried to go into places to personally advertise ourselves--and honestly if I had a quarter for everytime I heard the reply, "We're not actually sure if we are hiring, but you can go online and fill out our application" we would be able to pay our electric bill. Possibly our cable. So the search continues......

Needless to say...we miss college.

The score thus far:

Taylor, Schaeffer, and Patty:  0

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