Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I have a cat named Jasper.  It seems like just a few short months ago that I had just gotten him.  He was a tiny little bundle of grey fur looking up at me with his mini-kitten eyes.

We definitely weren't best friends at first.  He spent the first couple of nights under my bed, refusing to look at me and making me feel a little inadequate. This was probably because I bought him a blue collar with a stripe of silver glitter around it that had a little blue bell attached.  It was FABULOUS.  But my little sassy man didn't think so.  In fact, he would find ways to tear it off and then hide it.  That is, until I bought him a great glittery mouse toy and kitten treats.
Eventually, we became BFF. Jasper and I understood each other!  I had no problem coming home from a long day at work and asking him how his day had gone.  Subsequently, my friends called me the cat lady.  But I couldn't help it. I realized we had a few things in common.
1.  We both love to eat people food.  If you leave a bowl of food around, you can be sure that it will be eaten  by Jasper.  Take for instance, a bowl of lima beams that I once left on the kitchen table.  I walked away for ten minutes, and when I came back, it was completely empty.  WHAT CAT EATS LIMA BEANS?
2.  We both have grown to love sparkly things.  Like Jasper, I started off as a tomboy.  I wore gross t-shirts, backwards baseball hats, and sneakers....oh and I had a bowl cut.  But as we grew older, we both learned to appreciate the beauty of a sparkle.
3.  We are both very social creatures.  This cat comes when you call his name.....he sleeps with his arms around your neck....and he responds in meows when you ask him questions.  Do cats really do that?
4.  We both love musical theater.  Seriously.  If ever there is a musical movie on TV, or Glee, Jasper cozies up next to me and fixes himself on the television.  He loves it.

Well.  This morning I found Jasper drinking out of the toilet.

And suddenly, I realized that time is flying by so quickly. He is not a little boy anymore.  He is becoming a man. I mean, it seems like just yesterday that he was just a small little sassy man with a glittery collar.  He is getting so old.  And I am too, for that matter.  I mean, I feel like just last week that I was posing with my sister in our bowl cuts and osh-gosh-bigosh music note jumpers....

...and now SHE has a baby.  My little niece of a nugget is two weeks old!  I have a big girl job.  I own a car. I pay taxes.  I have a cat.  It's cray cray.   I'm old.
So at this point, I have nothing profound to say.  Mainly I wanted to blog about the fact that my cat was drinking out of the toilet this morning.

But P.S.  Speaking of time flying by, Prince William is 30?! And he's getting married.  And he's balding.  Whatever.  At least his hot ginger brother is still single.

And for now, my friends, at least I'm not this kid.
 fashion fail - Footloose Was Based On A True Story

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